Tuesday 24 November 2009

Juan Gris

José Victoriano González-Pérez, better known as Juan Gris (of Madrid 1887-1927). in 1904-1905 he studied painting with academic artist José Maria Carbonero. Then in 1906 he moved to paris and befriended Braque, Fernand Leger and Picasso.
Although he illustrated rather dark humour to journals such as the Le Rire and the Le Chi de Paris, in 1910 he started painting seriously. By 1912 he had developed a distinctive analytical Cubist style. After 1913 Gris' cubist style converted to synthetic cubism with extensive use of Papier Colle.
His style was also distinctive because rather than using monochromatic his fellow artists Picasso and Braque, Gris used bright harmonious colours in the manner of his friend Matisse.

His portrait of Picasso clearly shows his technique to be different from that of Picasso's or Braques, as you can see Gris hasn't reduced elements as dramatically and the repetition of shapes is unique.
Portrait of Picasso 1912
Gris' 'Violin and Checkerboard 1913

'The Guitar' 1918

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