Tuesday 10 November 2009

Cubism - the beginning

The "agreed" beginning of the cubist movement was in 1907 with Picasso's celebrated 'Demoiselles D'Avignon". The late work of Cezanne (1869 - 1906) was an influence to the cubist movement, Cezanne was the first artist to use shapes to represent nature and his paintings show objects from different perspectives.
The first two key artists to bring Cubism to life were Pablo Picasso of Spain and Georges Braque of France. Their work is thought to have been largely influenced by that of Cezanne.

The basic idea behind cubism art is to break the subject into pieces, analyse those pieces then re-arrange them in a somewhat "abstract" manner. The idea behind this is to portray the subject from different points of view rather than the average 2/3 dimensions, resulting in a more stimulating and detailed work of art.

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Picasso's 'Le Giutariste'

Braque's 'Man with a guitar'

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